I was so inspired by last week’s post that I started digging into my stash of games and found a few more that I would like to share with you! A couple you have seen before from way back when, one is a  variation (because you know how much I LOVE to extend a lesson!!) and a couple are brand new!

  1. The Sub It Out Game: Virtual Adaptation ~
    • Use your Note Knacks at home
    • A quick review of the 1st quarter beat, the 2nd quarter beat etc… so when a student asks to change a quarter, they need to be specific (a great learning opportunity!)
    • Teams may or may not be difficult, depending on the platform you are using, but you can also do this as a chain. Student #1 subs out a quarter or 2 (if they want to sub in a half note), student #2 says it and changes it for the next person. If you break the chain, you lose a turn. Then the next person changes a quarter and so on. In this version, there won’t necessarily be a winner, but kids will try and trick their peers!
  2. Rhythm Charades ~ I LOVE this one! ….and perfect for a virtual learning class!!
  3. Where the Wild Things Are ~ The easiest virtual adaptation for kids to find an instrument (either homemade such as a pot and wooden spoon or a real one) and play during the Wild Rumpus. You can talk about when and how to start and finish together!
    • If you do want to use the original lesson, you can use Note Knacks Magnets on a portable magnetic board to make it easier!
  4. Note Length Trivia ~ If 2 sixteenths = an eighth, and 2 eighths = a quarter, how many sixteenths = a quarter? Your math teachers will thank you for this one!!
  5. Decode-A-Rhythm ~ When I was introduced to Mr. Vincelli’s Rhythm Clock, I was so excited at the possibilities! One of the games I came up with was to create a rhythm in percentages, decimals or other equivalents that appear on the back. I generally use this as trivia time on a lesson for fun, but you can easily make it into a full blown lesson! The kids have a great time with it! (In fact, I was teaching a workshop at NAFME once and we mixed it up by creating one rhythm using more than one system so that the first beat was in percentages, the second in degrees, etc… It was very difficult! ….and lots of fun!!)
  6. 2 Truths and a Lie ~ Think of a concept that you covered this year, such as the instruments in the brass section. Then come up with 2 truths and a lie:
    • Trumpets are in the brass section
    • Flutes are in the brass section
    • Tubas are in the brass section
    • ~ which is the lie?

Have a fun filled week and please share any games you do with your students during this crazy time!!