note-knacks-011Note KnacksNote Knacks is dedicated to providing music educators with the tools needed to make music more accessible for young children.

At Note Knacks, we believe music should be hands on, fun and available to all types of learners. Note Knacks recognizes that teaching music literacy to children can increase their success in other subjects and encourage a positive attitude toward learning going forward.

Except for musical instruments, music educators have not had access to the manipulatives that have proved so useful in other disciplines. Note Knacks fills that gap by providing a tactile and visual process that enables all types of learners to create, write and perform music.

Teachers are excited that Note Knacks can be used in large groups, small groups and one on one. This frees them from the front of the classroom, allowing for observation and giving children an opportunity to work together in a natural, positive way.


Learn more:
What Are Note Knacks?
Meet Kristin M. Pugliese