For the Spring Share this year, I am using several lessons from my “Pushing The Limits!” lesson plan book, as I am running out of time and the lessons are fun and simple to do!

Lesson 11 utilizes the song Chatter With the Angels and explains how to create a B Section. I added to it a bit, this time around, but it is the same basic lesson!

  • I had the kids echo some basic rhythms to get their heads in the game!
  • I then pulled out the magnets and we created a couple of rhythms to practice further

  • From there, the kids got into groups and each created a rhythm

  • They copied their rhythms onto sentence strips
  • Then we needed to decide on an order ~ we played around with switching measures 2 and 3
  • This is what we ended up with!

Next week we will orchestrate it….. and learn about repeat signs!

Take this lesson out for a spin and let us know how you make out!!