kids singing

It is hard to believe, but “Music In Our Schools Month” is already here! This month is all about advocacy ~ so let’s take some time to show the community what we do! Here are 3 last minute concert ideas that you can easily execute without a lot of work! You can highlight all of the wonderful music your students have been working on all year in various settings, as well as connect parents, other faculty and staff to your classroom. Here they are:

  1. Have oldest grade level sing/ play for younger students/ vice versa
  2. Have the choir sing during morning entrance and/ or afternoon dismissal
  3. Create a short video concert for some or all of your classes and email the link to parents.

Have oldest grade level sing/ play for younger students/ vice versa. Invite an older class to one of your younger classes during the week. The benefit of this is to have your older students show your younger students what is possible and to have your younger students remind the older ones how far they have come! Set aside class time to discuss what they have heard ~ a great time to cover the critiquing portion of our music standards!

This is also a GREAT opportunity to set up a mentor program for those pumpkins who are more challenging. The younger children benefit because they look up to the older students and your older children are given a leadership role. I have seen the toughest students act so sweetly when given the responsibility.

Have choir sing during morning entrance and/ or afternoon dismissal. This one is fairly easy to set up and takes little effort to execute. (Also, it can be done outside, as many schools are not singing inside these days!) Parents are able to see what their children have been doing in your class, as well as teachers and administrators. Unfortunately, we also need to advocate to those in our building. For more visibility, email district level administrators and local reporters!

What to sing or play? A monthly theme can be set up, if there isn’t one in place already, or kids can practice music for upcoming performances. It is always a good idea to give concert repertoire a run through once or twice before a performance!!

Create a short video concert for some or all of your classes and email the link to parents. (Perfect for virtual learners!) This eliminates all kinds of issues, as it can be done when and where it is convenient for you! You also have a lot of flexibility in what you tape! Here are a few ideas:

  1. Kids can videotape their favorite song or composition that they have written and perform it on camera.
  2. Each class can give a tour of their music classroom and a tutorial on how to use all of the instruments that are showcased. If kids are virtual, they can either create an instrument at home to share or share an instrument that they play outside of school.
  3. Students can teach their parents a music lesson on camera they have learned, either as a class or individually.

As March “marches” on, I hope these few simple ideas will help! We always need to build awareness of how important learning music is to a child’s overall education!! Thank goodness for MIOSM!!

Photo credit: woodleywonderworks / Foter / CC BY